The King will reply, "Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." Matthew 25, 40
COVID prevention campaign COVID prevention campaign
Our volunteers spread basic prevention measures to the people.
Our work Our work
We work to make possible the integral development of the community of São Benedicto de Mangundze.
Who we are Who we are
The Mangundze Mission is located between Manjacaze and Chongoene Districts, 240 kilometers from Maputo, Mozambique.
Where we are Where we are
Mangundze Mission is located between Manjacaze and Chongoene districts, Xai-Xai diocese, Gaza province, Mozambique Republic.
Our parish priest, Juan Gabriel Arias. Our parish priest, Juan Gabriel Arias.
Our parish priest came from Argentina, and found his place here in Mangundze, Mozambique.
Mangundze Mission History Mangundze Mission History
A brief history of the Mangundze Mission.
Associação Benéfica Nyikani Mavoko Associação Benéfica Nyikani Mavoko
Nyikani Mavoko is a non profit organization, constituted under Mozambican law.